Iran ready to help India curb pandemic: health minister

April 25, 2021 - 16:58

TEHRAN – Iranian Health Minister Saeed Namaki, in a letter to his Indian counterpart, expressed readiness to provide technical assistance, expertise, and equipment to contain coronavirus as new cases surge in India.

Emphasizing that the control of COVID-19 pandemic is not possible unless, through sympathy and cooperation of all countries, Namaki stated that “controlling the pandemic will be possible through the elimination of sanctions, as well as the fair provision of all effective means of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment for all needy people around the world as well as political and economic support of international and non-governmental organizations.

Although Iran has gone through difficult times in the face of oppressive sanctions and pressure to provide medicine, vaccines, and medical equipment, and today faces a fourth wave of the disease caused by the mutated virus, it has been able to rely on the knowledge of local scientists to cross this terrible wave.

Iran was able to produce the equipment and medicine the needed items and provide a suitable infrastructure in the field of vaccines. We hope that the exchange of experiences with scientific, research, and production centers of the two countries can bring a brighter future for the two nations with a long history of scientific, cultural cooperation.

The government and people of Iran are ready not to withhold any technical, expert, and equipment assistance in these difficult days and help Indian citizens to curb the epidemic.

India is facing a severe wave of coronavirus, reports indicate that the country's hospitals are facing a shortage of bed and medical facilities, including oxygen.

So far, over 16 million people in India have been infected and 345,000 have died.


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